Follow up – Homemaker

Following up on yesterday’s post….

I realized that I didn’t clarify why I find the term homemaker less than unappealing.  The term hearkens back to the fifties housewife.  The modern feminist in me rebels against such a stereotype. The term seems to signify lesser than.  Just.  Susie Homemaker.  Too much goody goody cheesiness.

I am very complex.  I want to live a fairly simple life, but I am far from simple.  I have a depth of interests, skills, abilities, passions, and character.  Nothing like my ruffled aproned vision of Susie in the kitchen with a smile, chocolate frosting, a spatula, and a homemade cake.

I love my sons and want to make a nice home for them.  Every weekend they’re at the house we made into a home over the 14 years our family of four lived there together.  Every weekend while they’re gone I try to do something, add something, organize something, attempting to make our 1000 sqr ft apartment more like home for the three of us.  I have fantasies on occasion in which we are sitting down to dinner having some nice little Leave it to Beaver moments.  There’s a little appeal there.  But I soon get a reality check.  And it sounds more like this: “I don’t want ….” fill in the blank “I’m not going to eat that.”  I had the fantasy of the happy little middle class family of four, for years, but that never played out either.  So I’m moving on, building my new life, and redefining family.

I may just make the correction on the account information form that started this all, changing my Employment Status from Homemaker to Contrarian!

Well I hope that added just a bit of clarity to my previous post related to my distaste for an outdated term.

I’ll be back later …..we’ll have to see which of the many topics makes it to the top of the heap today. Who will be the lucky winner?

Copyright Suzanne Norton 2015

About Suzanne

I write poetry and other stuff. Writing is a part of my soul. Other practices that feed me .... yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, meditation, hiking, cycling, dancing, Acroyoga, creating, hugs, cuddling.
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1 Response to Follow up – Homemaker

  1. Suzanne says:

    Reblogged this on and commented:

    Pulling this old one up from my first month of blogging….last October. It was written in reference to a previous post on the term Homemaker.


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